In the second of our Pre Season Tips series, we’re looking at prep for the actual race weekend or day, what to do a week out, what to do the day before and what to bring with you on race day.

If you read Vol.1 then hopefully you’ve got your bike in tip top conditon, you’ve got new cleats and your lid is in good condition and clean, so, what’s next as your race day approaches?


Start checking the forecast about a week before race day. Yes, it can change but if you keep a daily eye on it will give you much more of a feel for what conditons are likely to be on race day. Why is this important? Loads of reasons from tyre choice to what clothes you’ll wear pre, during and post-race. It might even effect whether you have anyone in the pits!


How far is it? Are there any roadworks or diversions that will increase travel time? Are you car sharing? Do any other people your travelling with also know your schedule? If you have booked any accomadation have you checked the booking so you know where your going and what time check in/out is? If there’s breakfast included what time is it and do you have enough time to eat it and travel to your race. If your camping have you checked your tent’s in usable conditon and you have everything you need?


Is it still peachy or do you need to adjust cables to make sure your gears are indexed? If you’ve put in new sealant or fitted new tyres, are they are holding pressure? If you haven’t checked your bike and kit yet see our previous blog which gives you loads more info about what you should check.


If you’ve had to use any of your spares from your kit last year, have you replaced them so you’ve got them for when you need them?


Do you know where all of your race kit is? Is it clean? Have you packed your bag? Have you also considered kit for your Sighting Lap, Warm Up and Post Race.


Have you considered what food/drink you’ll need for the day? Bottles for your race? Food for before your race and when should you eat, particuarly if your race is around lunchtime, should you have a later breakfast or early lunch to digest in time? Do you have plenty of fluids for before/after your race, especially if it likley to be a hot day.


This is very much a personal thing. A lot will depend on which phase of your plan your in and how you’re treating this race, but as a general rule, we’d go with reducing the volume but keeping some intensity. A good number of riders take the day before a race as a rest day, you’re better off riding and having a few efforts to get you firing on all cylinders.


Look out for more Pre Season Tips from us here at Pine Sport. You can find Vol.1 which looks at making sure your bike and kit is ready, and Vol.3 will focus on how to use your practice time effectively and planning your race. 

Pine Sport Singletrack Clinic’s will run on Saturday afternoon’s at every SouthernXC in 2020, these are a great oppourtinity to get some skills coaching in a small group and on the course you will race on the following day. We’ve kept the price down at £15 for the 3 hour coaching session, or there’s a offer price of £50 for all 5 sessions! The Clinics are open to all riders aged 13 and older, and no matter your experience there’s something to be gained. We’re around all weekend so pop over to the Pine Sport gazebo for a chat about how we can help you develop as a rider.

Click here for more info about Pine Sport

See you all at Round 1,

Ric – Pine Sport